
제목 2011 Global Technology Awards 수상 : Inspection Equipment - AOI
조회수 3060 작성일 2018.05.16



2011 Global Technology Awards


Category : Inspection Equipment – AOI




MV-7 Series 2D/3D In-Line AOI Machines – 미르기술의 독점 3D Multi-Frequency Quad Moiré Technology와 결합한 15 Mega Pixel ISIS Vision Sysytem

1. 기술 혁신
: 미르기술은 검사장비 업계에서 기술적으로 가장 진보된 AOI System으로 2011 Global Technology Award를 수상한 것을 매우 기쁘게 생각한다. 새로운 MV-7 Series 2D/3D AOI System은 모두 ISIS(Infinitely Scalable Imaging Sensor:무한 측정이 가능한 화상 센서)라는 최신 15Mega Pixel top-down camera system을 장착하고 있으며, 이것은 미르기술이 독점적으로 디자인하고 생산한 것이다. 이름이 뜻하는 바와 같이 ISIS Vision System은 크기를 조정하거나 수정될 수 있으며, 이는 속도나 성능에 영향을 주지않고도 거의 모든 제품 환경의 특정 검사 요구사항을 해결하기 위함이다. 정밀 telecentric lens의 배율을 변경함으로써, 광학 system의 해상도는 고속 생산에 적합한 20microns/pixel (FOV : 77.7mm x 77.7mm)에서 초소형 전자제품 생산에 적합한 10microns/pixel (FOV : 38.8mm x 38.8mm)까지 조정 가능하다. 미르기술의 혁신적인 3D Multi Frequency Quad Moiré 기술은 총 4개의 Moiré 검사 probe를 사용하여 SMT 장비가 조립이 끝난 PCB 3D로 검사할 수 있도록 지원한다. 이 독점 system reflow 후의 solder 부피뿐만 아니라, 부품 들뜸과 lead 들뜸 결함을 감지하는데 사용되는 정밀한 높이도 측정 가능하다. 완벽한 구성을 갖출 새로운 MV-7 장비는 15 Mega Pixel Top-Down Camera에 더하여 네 개의 10 Mega Pixel Side-View Camera 를 장착할 예정이다.  이 새로운 기술은 다른 모든 검사 장비의 표준이 될 것이라 확신한다.




속도 / 처리량 개선
: 미르기술의 ISIS Vision System은 검사장비 업계에 전례없는 속도와 성과를 도입했다. system의 처리량적 강점을 수량화하기 위해서는 먼저 5 Mega Pixel Technology를 이용하는 AOI 판매회사가 최근에 제공한 다수의 고해상도 카메라 시스템을 살펴보아야 한다. 15 Mega Pixel Technology를 이용할 경우, 5 Mega Pixel Technology 보다 4배 정도 처리량 증가가 가능하다. 이것은 생산효율 면에서 대단한 향상이라 할 수 있다.




3. 품질 향상 : 미르기술의 새로운 MV-7 Series 2D/3D Inspection System으로 사용자는 기대 이상의 품질 제조 수준을 달성할 수 있으며, 이는 아래의 사항들이 결합된 결과이다.


  1) 비할 데가 없는 2D 검사 속도와 정확성을 갖춘 미르기술의 독점적 15Mega Pixel ISIS Vision System


  2) 조립이 끝난 PCB 3D로 검사하는 미르기술의 혁신적인 3D Multi-Frequency Quad Moiré Technology.
     이 독점 system reflow 후의 solder 부피뿐만 아니라, 부품 들뜸과 lead 들뜸
결함을 감지하는데 사용되
     는 정밀한 높이도 측정 가능하다




4. 비용 효율




5. 환경적 측면 : 산업이 환경친화적인 제조에 초점을 두고 있는 요즘은, 어느때보다 재료 낭비를 줄이고자 하는 요구가 증가하고 있다. 미르기술의 AOI 장비는 제조공정을 간소화할 수 있는 비용 효율적인 공정 solution으로 전자 제조업계에서 인정받고 있다. 새로운 MV-7 Series 2D/3D 장비가 제공하는 다양한 현실적 공정 solution은 무결함 제품의 추구를 계속함으로써, 전자 제조업체가 재료 낭비를 최소화하도록 지원한다.




6. 사용과 구현의 용이성 : MV-7 Series software는 단순하지만 강력하다. 종합적인 Package Type Library는 간단한 “Drag and Drop” 부품 프로그래밍을 제공한다. ATT (Automatic Teaching Tool : 자동 교구) software CAD 중심 자료를 사용하여 부품 위치를 자동으로 알려준다. 일반적인 프로그래밍 시간은 한 번 조립 시 한 시간 이내다.




7. 정비성 : 새로운 MV-7 Series 2D/3D 제품 라인은 모든 hardware와 전자 subsystem이 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 설계되었다. 또한, 이 장비들은 PC, Vision Frame Grabber 그리고 Motion Control System을 포함한 다수의 전자 subsystem을 위한 “off the shelf(규격)” hardware를 사용한다. system들은 24/7 생산을 견디도록 고안되었다. 4,000시간 이상의 가동 중 보통의 MTBF(Mean Time Between Failures : 평균고장간격)을 보이는 이 AOI system은 시장에서 가장 강력할 것으로 예견된다.





2011 Global Technology Awards



Category: Inspection Equipment – AOI






MV-7 Series 2D/3D In-Line AOI Machines - 15 Mega Pixel ISIS Vision System combined with MIRTEC’s Exclusive 3D Multi-Frequency Quad Moiré Technology




v Innovation: We at MIRTEC are very excited to present what is unquestionably the Inspection Industry’s most Technologically Advanced AOI System in consideration for the 2011 Global Technology Award.  MIRTEC’s all new MV-7 Series 2D/3D AOI Systems may be configured with a state-of-the-art 15 Mega Pixel top-down camera system which we affectionately refer to as ISIS.  This is a proprietary camera system designed and manufactured by MIRTEC for use with our complete product range of inspection equipment.  ISIS is an acronym for Infinitely Scalable Imaging Sensor.  As the name implies the ISIS Vision System may be scaled or modified to address the specific inspection requirements of virtually any production environment without sacrificing speed or performance.  By changing the magnification of the Precision Telecentric Lens the resolution of optics system may be scaled from 20 microns/pixel with an incredibly large FOV of (77.7mm x 77.7mm) desired for extremely high speed manufacturing; down to 10 microns/pixel with an FOV of approximately (38.8mm x 38.8mm) which is suitable for high end micro-electronics manufacturing.  MIRTEC’s revolutionary 3D Multi Frequency Quad Moiré Technology, provides true 3D inspection of SMT devices on finished PCB assemblies using a total of four (4) Moiré Inspection Probes.  This proprietary system yields precise height measurement used to detect lifted component and lifted lead defects as well as solder volume post reflow.  Fully configured the new MIRTEC MV-7 machines will also feature four 10 Mega Pixel Side-View Cameras in addition to the 15 Mega Pixel Top-Down Camera. There is little doubt that this new technology will, undoubtedly, set the standard by which all other inspection equipment will be measured.


















v Speed / Throughput Improvements: MIRTEC’s ISIS Vision System brings unprecedented speed and performance to the Electronics Inspection Industry.  In order to quantify the throughput advantage of this system, we must fist consider that the majority of high resolution camera systems currently offered by AOI vendors use 5 Mega Pixel Technology.  Throughput comparisons between 5 Mega Pixel Technology and 15 Mega Pixel Technology have resulted in an increased throughput of nearly 400%!  This is a tremendous improvement in production efficiency which, you can imagine, will certainly be leveraged by global customers in volume-driven sectors.




v Quality Contribution: MIRTEC’s new MV-7 Series 2D/3D Inspection Systems allow users to achieve unprecedented standards in quality manufacturing by combining:




1)     MIRTEC’s exclusive 15 Mega Pixel ISIS Vision System which provides incomparable 2D inspection speed and accuracy.




2)     MIRTEC’s revolutionary 3D Multi-Frequency Quad Moiré Technology which provides true 3D inspection of SMT devices on finished PCB assemblies.  This proprietary system yields precise height measurement used to detect lifted component and lifted lead defects as well as solder volume post reflow. 





v Cost Benefits: Current market conditions are such that electronics manufacturers are competing to capture as much business as possible in an environment which yields ever decreasing profit margins. There is little expectation that these market conditions will change in the foreseeable future. The reality of the situation is that electronics manufacturers must invest in automated solder paste inspection and automated optical inspection equipment in order maximize efficiency and acquire quantitative information that may be used to streamline the manufacturing process and reduce manufacturing defects. By increasing first pass production yields, manufacturers are able to decrease costs, save time, and reduce the need for non-value added rework and repair.  MIRTEC’s new MV-7 Series 2D/3D AOI Machines provide manufacturers with a clear view into the manufacturing process, helping them achieve higher operating efficiencies and improved quality at the lowest possible cost.  Additionally, MIRTEC’s ISIS Vision System has been proven to increase throughput by up to 400% thereby maximizing production efficiency and return on investment.





v Environmental Consideration: With an industry focus on environmentally friendly manufacturing, now more that ever there is an increasing demand to drive down material waste.  MIRTEC AOI equipment is well recognized by electronic manufacturing management as a cost-effective process solution which allows them to streamline the manufacturing process.  The new MV-7 Series 2D/3D machines provide an extensive range of real-world process solutions to electronics manufacturers allowing them to minimize material waste as they continue to strive toward zero defect production. 





v Ease of Use / Implementation: The MV-7 Series software is simple yet powerful.  A comprehensive Package Type Library provides simple “Drag and Drop” component programming.  The Automatic Teaching Tool (ATT) software provides automatic teaching of component locations using CAD centroid data.  Typical programming time is under one (1) hour per assembly.





v Maintainability / Reparability: The new MV-7 Series 2D/3D product line was designed for easy accessibility to all hardware and electronic subsystems.  Furthermore, these machines are use “off the shelf” hardware for many of the electronic subsystems including the PC, Vision Frame Grabber and Motion Control System.  These systems are built to withstand 24/7 production.  With typical MTBF of over 4,000 hours of operation, these AOI systems are heralded as the most robust AOI systems on the market!